Agrideī (Location)


        Agrideī is the setting for A World without Misery and many other parts of the Interitus series. It is a very large continent on a planet with Earth-like conditions. The most striking difference is that Agrideī exists in a world with no sunlight. It is illuminated only by starlight. The ocean surrounding the continent is very warm (generally around 98°F or 37°C. The ocean is primarily heated by underwater geothermal vents. Volcanoes and volcanic islands scatter the ocean, and lava can usually be seen in the distance on each beach. A strong wind (around 25 mph) blows northwest across the continent almost all the time. 
    It should be noted that the continent has more cities than those that are listed here, but only these cities are mentioned in A World without Misery.
    The terrain is mostly desert and meadow. The land is mostly desolate, but some areas have many fruit trees (particularly albapomus, ruberpomus, viridipomus, and aterpomus). There are also occasional animals, such as a goat-like creature called an agilus. Most food comes from the sea in the form of a large fish called piscileo. Because of the scarcity of food, people tend to organize in cities. These cities attract the attention of ravenous monsters called Interfecti. Between the desolation and the onslaughts of these monsters, humankind struggled to survive. They have made very few advancements. Technology is limited to swords, catapults, candles, wagons, and sailboats.
    The horizontal river flows from west to east at a rather high speed. The vertical river flows from north to south at a rather high speed. People tend to use these rivers for transportation, though it is difficult to sail upstream. As a result, many people also use ocean currents to assist with transportation.

Key areas
1) Bones City is the largest city in Agrideī. It is home to many merchants, factories, and fishermen. It is surrounded by desert to the east and ocean to the west. Its most notable residents include Vaida, Kurt, and Harvey.
2) The Isles of Aether is an archipelago off the coast of Bones City. These are volcanic rock islands, many of which have permanent residents. Its most notable resident is Caelicola.
3) The Fons Vitae is an oasis in the widest desert on the continent. It is a large lake with pinkish water and a cascade that appears to pour in from the heavens. It is a frequent stop for refugees and injured people; its water can heal wounds both inside and out. Some people even bottle its water and carry it as an elixir. See: Fons Vitae
4) Bartric is a primitive city that stands at the edge of a deep forest. The forest is said to be haunted, so residents generally choose to keep their distance.
5) Occasa is the second largest city in Agrideī. It is inhabited mostly be survivors of Interfectus attacks, fleeing to find somewhere safe. Underground tunnels connect every building in the city, leaving people with an escape route in the event of an Interfectus attack.
6) The city of Ore is a city of seafarers and merchants on the north coast of Agrideī.
7) The Catena Islands is an archipelago off the north coast of Agrideī. They trade frequently with one another, but they are thought of as vulnerable and primitive people.
8) Lumipyla is a series of towns inside a white-walled canyon in the desert. Fireflies and stars illuminate the canyon. It is thought of as a calm, quiet place to live. Its most notable resident is Lazaro.
9) Collobos is a mountain range that contains many towns and villages. It is more agricultural and less industrial than most areas in Agrideī. Its most notable residents are Hatasuko and Adishina.
10) Pomasylva is a city in southeast Agrideī. Instead of cutting down the forest to make way for buildings, the residents of Pomasylva built up their city around the preexisting trees. The blocks are spread farther apart, but most residents consider it worth it because the trees bear fruit.
11) The city of Sentia is a walled city with only four gates. The walls were originally built to keep out unwanted attackers, but many people see them as dangerous because they could trap their own citizens. Catapults are placed atop the walls.
12) Procella is an island city off the southern coast of Agrideī. Like Pomasylva, it also has many trees still standing. This city produces a spice found nowhere else in Agrideī, so their port is often bustling with merchants.


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