Character: Lazaro


“You can say what you want and think what you want, but the narrative in your head is a poor shadow of reality. I may be heartless and I may be objective, but I don’t act this way just for my own self-interest. How the fuck would that even make sense? You’re both a couple of idiots. I expected this from the girl with half her face burned off, but I didn’t realize that you were this stupid. If I only cared about myself and my own life, then why would I run toward an Interfectus? If I had any sense, I would run away at full speed. But I don’t. I stay and save the helpless, and I’ll sacrifice anything to save more souls. If I have to sacrifice her happiness, then I can accept that. If I have to sacrifice my own humanity, then I can accept that. If I have to sacrifice my own beating heart, then I knew what was at stake since the day I stepped foot on this goddamn path.”

 Character Name: Lazaro

First Appearance: A World without Misery (Chapter 1), named in Chapter 2

Eye Color: Light Green
Endurance:    25          Strength: 11              Speed: 9.5               Dexterity: 3;
Weapons: Warhammer, Black Shield, Whip, Rocks 

    Lazaro is a middle-aged man who originally hails from the canyon city of Lumipyla. After he lost everyone he loved, he set out on a journey with nothing left to lose. Knowing that this quest would likely kill him in the end, he chose to venture to the very most dangerous places in Agrideī -- cities that are under attack from an Interfectus. Despite that he and his mighty warhammer are strong enough to crack the monster's armor, Lazaro wastes no time in trying to fight the Interfecti. Instead, he devised a strategy to help save as many lives as he could. He saves countless civilians every time he arrives at an onslaught, though his selflessness is accompanied by a brutal bitterness.
    Lazaro is both a hero and a monster. While he is more experienced than any evacuator or would-be-hero in all of Agrideī, he also belittles anyone foolish enough to hang around him. He continuously insults and even physically abuses Vaida, who learned how to fight and evacuate under his guidance. He is a valuable mentor but only in a pragmatic sense. He lost everyone he cared about once before, and he has no interest in giving himself any additional vulnerabilities.


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