Character: Vaida


“I never listened when he said he loved me because I hate myself so much. He said that I’m blind if I can’t see it, but I cannot accept my own reflection. I am revolted by the girl in the mirror; her scarred face haunts me every day. So how am I supposed to move on? I want to gaze into the future. But every time I try to look ahead, one eye can only see the past.”

 Character Name: Vaida

First Appearance: A World without Misery (Chapter 1), named in Chapter 2

Eye Color: Blue left eye, Sea-green (blind) right eye

Endurance:    17          Strength: 7              Speed: 9               Dexterity: 3.9;
Weapons: Twin Swords, Whip, Rocks 

    Vaida is a scientist and inventor who left her orphanage and hometown behind to chase the Interfecti. Though she is recalcitrant with details of her past, she hints that an Interfectus attacked Bones City and destroyed everything she knew. In the aftermath of that attack, she spent months in a hospital and was left with enormous burn scars which cover the right side of her body. She detests her own scars and became extremely shy as a result, but she is especially sensitive to stares and comments regarding her appearance. So even at a young age, after she completed her prototype for a revolutionary vehicle (see: Sail-rana), she set out to take revenge on the monster that destroyed her life. 

    Despite knowing that the Interfecti would invariably kill her, Vaida chose to fight them with ordinary weapons. Very early into her quest, Lazaro saved her from certain death on the battlefield. After he displayed his competence, Vaida latched onto him and followed him around, even providing the vehicle and (indirectly) the financial resources to accelerate their travels. Despite Lazaro’s adamance that he does not want her around, he taught her how to use rescue weapons on the battlefield. As a result, Vaida shifted her goal from fighting the Interfecti to saving civilians caught in the crossfire, but she still dreams of revenge over anything else. 

    As part of his insistence that he would rather be alone, Lazaro continuously berates Vaida both verbally and physically. She chooses to withstand his abuse, not just because she values his tutelage, but because she has convinced herself that she deserves everything he says and does.

    Vaida has several quirks that extend beyond her depression and her love for math and science. She is an animal lover, and she is practically obsessed with fruit. She even hints at having a list of favorite fruit in the order of albapomus (peach), ruberpomus (nectarine), aterpomus (plum), viridipomus (apple). Even though she is the type of person to greedily pick more fruit than she can eat, she is also the type of person who always offers her fruit to other people. She is the kind of person who fears fire and smoke more than anything, but she still runs headlong into burning villages just to save anyone she can. 

Below is another (older) picture of Vaida, created exclusively in photoshop long before I had AI technology to assist me.

SPOILERS BELOW (From Chapter 21 of A World without Misery):
After her Astrodeus evolution, Vaida's stats become:
Endurance:    28          Strength: 11              Speed: 12               Dexterity: 3.9
Quintessence: 4
Weapons: Sword, Black Shield, Rocks 
Astrodeus Power: The Burning Star (Type: Sleepwalker)

Vaida's Astrodeus power allows her to transform herself into a solar vortex, capable of destroying practically anything it touches.


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