Preliminary Announcement

                Interitus: Manifest is a collectible tabletop game which is currently in its infancy. It involves two players manifesting Sorcerers on a board and casting spells in order to dispatch the opponent’s Sorcerers. Some examples are shown below.

Interitus: Manifest will occasionally reference familiar characters from the Interitus Multiverse. Furthermore, it will have its own narrative story in the form of Manifest: A Shattered Future. In the coming weeks, the production team hopes to have some videos available of example matches. In the coming months, we intend to open a Kickstarter so that we can get this project off the ground. Backers will be compensated with initial-release product, but more info on that will have to come later.

If you want to receive email updates regarding the project, please follow this blog and Favorite the following page: Manifest: A Shattered Future (

Please note: The card artwork is AI-generated. For more information, please Click here to see the disclaimers regarding AI-generated artwork. While that post applies primarily to series artwork, the same also applies for cards in Interitus: Manifest.


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