Episode One: Eye of the Storm
Manifest: A Shattered Future
Episode One: Eye of the Storm
city is an insult to the true brutality of our world. Aegea stands at the edge
of the sea as if it has the strength to hold this position, but its people are
fragile. They do not deserve the illusion of peace.”
cloaked man grimaced as he stood upon the quiet road which led to the city.
Electrical lights scattered the buildings and pierced the night, illuminating
banks of low clouds as they drifted overhead. The breeze carried in moisture
from the nearby ocean, and the moonlight forced tiny droplets to shimmer. No
walls or structures protected the city. Vulnerable people wandered through the
quiet streets. Houses stood at the city’s edge, practically taunting the
darkness to rear its ugly head.
fragile peace is no more stable than a house of cards. The balance only appears
real, but the slightest push will return it to its natural state. They’re
clinging to memories of a world long lost to time,” said the man as he reached
into his bag.
fumbling through a deck of scattered spells, he extracted a black monolith and
a blue monolith from his bag. He tapped them
together and then set the black stone onto the quiet road; a gentle hum sounded
from its resonating structure. In just milliseconds, a black light emanated
from the monolith, and its wielder stepped back as the glow expanded. Obsidian
energy spiraled together from the night as a powerful
entity ascended from the monolith. Rumbles of thunder sounded from the
transformation, and gale-force winds descended upon the dusty street. Sand and
droplets of moisture lifted into the spiraling air. The sudden storm rapidly
intensified, and in seconds, the man saw the silhouette of a sorcerer standing
in the center of the storm.
“I knew
I could count on you. Ride the wind and strike this city from the shore! I’ll
attack from the land; you attack from the sea. Break free from my hold!
Rampage! Exert your rage upon this city!” shouted the man as he unleashed his
Altair! What the hell is going on? We don’t normally get storms this time of
night! Are we being attacked?” asked Romulo as he rushed through the streets.
frightened citizens ran desperately for shelter, Altair veered out of an alley
and dashed over to his ally. As the two soldiers ran together through the
pouring rain, Altair answered, “It’s worse than you think! There’s a Rampager
on the shore; I took off to alert the monks. But I ran into Terrance on the
way, and he said there’s a conjuror attacking from the south! From Adriatica,
of course. I’m headed that way now!”
attacks at once? Holy hell, man! Who’s gonna stop the Rampager on shore?”
Romulo asked as thunder shook the storming sky.
don’t know; I can’t be in two places at once! Whoever fights the Rampager has
their work cut out for them. It looked pretty monstrous to me,” Altair
As the
two friends raced southward, a flash of lightning illuminated the night to
reveal the silhouettes of people running about. Even when the lightning faded,
Romulo saw the fiery light of a fierce battle in the south. The city rumbled
with a series of loud crashes, drowning out the constant thunder.
With a
resolute grunt, Romulo stopped in his tracks and swerved around. As he sprinted
away from his friend, he shouted over the pouring rain, “Someone needs to stop
the monster on shore! Good luck in your fight!”
Even as
he raced past frightened people and ran through alleyways, Romulo could
practically feel his old friend’s desire to retort. He could practically hear
Altair’s frustration from a distance, but he cleared this thought from his mind
when he saw the scarlet glow of distant fire. He accelerated his run, jumped
over a bench, and dashed down a brick road that led straight to the sea. Even
from a distance, he could see fiery light dancing on the crashing waves. The
powerful storm had angered the ocean, but even the downpour could not
extinguish the flames. Romulo could smell both the petrichor of rain and stench
of distant fire, but he narrowed his eyes to fight through his exhaustion.
minutes of running, Romulo emerged onto the beach with a look of shock. Flames
fought against the pouring rain as they crept across seaside shops, and
blinding wind tore the sand from the beach. A towering figure stood in the
heart of the chaos, surrounded by a vortex of gusting sand and spiraling rain.
A mother and her child screamed as they pushed their way out of a burning
building. Powerful waves slammed ashore and devoured the beach.
Can you speak? I know this is a longshot, but why are you doing this?!” Romulo
shouted at the sorcerer in the heart of the vortex.
sorcerer stared back but said nothing, leaving Romulo to contemplate his next
move. But as he saw the state of the burning buildings, he decided that he
could not waste any time on figuring out his enemy. He instead reached into his
jacket pocket and extracted a blue monolith. After taking a deep breath, he
tapped his knuckles upon it with enough force to make it ring. The stone
vibrated in his hand until he set it down upon the wet sand.
heard that most Rampagers escape their conjuror’s control, but I don’t think
that’s the case here. I think they released you just to cause this chaos. Not that it matters; you don’t understand a word
I say. I’ll have to stop you in the only way I know how. With my Ice Crystal
Barricade,” Romulo announced as a blue glow ascended from his monolith.
In that
moment, an enormous structure of ice materialized in the heart of the swirling
energy. Romulo felt the temperature plummet as the sorcerer he conjured took a
forward step. As it advanced, it froze the wet sand beside it. Even the enemy
sorcerer watched with intrigue as the icy behemoth approached. Though he
shivered, Romulo quickly sifted through the spell cards in his bag until he
found two he could use. He passed them to his living wall of ice just before it
moved too far away.
But to
Romulo’s surprise, the Typhoon Paladin had patiently awaited this approach. As
soon as the icy barricade entered its proximity, the opposing sorcerer cast a
powerful spell. A web of lightning shot across the sky, and heavy waves crashed
ashore in the background. Raindrops and saltwater splashed upon Romulo as the
enemy’s magic pulled in his creature. A vortex of water and wind dragged the
barricade against its will.
As the
Typhoon Paladin steadied its arm and forced it glow with luminous electricity,
Romulo desperately shouted at his sorcerer, practically begging it to defend
itself. But because the Ice Crystal Barricade was still bound by the deafening
vortex of wind and water, it had no way to fight back. The enemy struck with
enough force to partially shatter the wall of ice. Romulo winced as he saw the
energetic glow in his monolith falter, but the connection did not break. And
now that he saw an opening, he enthusiastically shouted for his creature to
fight back. The temperature fell quickly as the Ice Crystal Barricade slammed
its enormous limbs into the enemy, sending a scattershot of ice splinters into
the air.
Nice work! Alright, cast your magic: Berserk Heart!” shouted Romulo as his
creature enchanted itself with a powerful spell.
After enchanting itself with a
visible fury, the sentient ice structure struck its enemy with another
wave-like arm of ice. Shards of broken ice scattered across the beach, and the
Typhoon Paladin grimaced as the impact nearly knocked it to the ground. Romulo
grinned with excitement as he prepared to end the fight, but then a bolt of
lightning shot down from the sky. The storm intensified so suddenly that the
nearby flames nearly extinguished; their vigorous embers illuminated the
falling rain with a shimmering touch of fire. Almost as if the storm symbolized
the sorcerer’s vitality, the rampaging enemy steadied its electrified fist and
prepared to counterattack.
But in
the moment that the Typhoon Paladin would have attacked, Romulo smiled widely
and yelled, “Now’s your chance! Barricade, use your Curse of Frozen Chains!”
As Romulo’s sorcerer unleashed its curse, the rain which surrounded Typhoon Paladin turned to ice. Chains of ice then enwrapped its torso, binding its arms and preventing attack. Romulo grinned when he saw the success of his strategy, but even this could not stop the Rampager. Instead of retreating or surrendering, the Typhoon Paladin raced forward with startling speed. It bypassed its enemy, racing toward Romulo and the blue monolith which had manifested his sorcerer.
By exerting his will directly upon the blue monolith, Romulo urged his Ice Crystal Barricade to retreat as quickly as it could. However, the sorcerer’s size restricted its movement; it failed to come within striking distance of the enemy. Raindrops fell upon the living structure of ice, glistening in the light of nearby embers. The howling wind stripped flakes from its surface and carried them away. Just inches from the blue monolith, Typhoon Paladin cast a spell despite the chains which had bound its arms.
Romulo watched with distaste as Typhoon Paladin became unshackled from his icy chains in that moment. But instead of merely tossing the chain aside, he holstered the weapon and then forced his arm to electrically illuminate. He then threw his glowing fist forward and struck the blue monolith, shattering the connection between it and the Ice Crystal Barricade. With no energy to uphold it, Romulo’s sorcerer collapsed under its own weight and fell upon the wet sand. Broken ice scattered across the beach as the entity faded away, leaving behind icy shards to shimmer in the glow of lightning.
with a startled stare, Romulo shook his head and then unholstered a green
monolith from his pocket. Without wasting a moment, Romulo jolted aside and
slammed his knee into the monolith as he ran. The green stone vibrated with a
reverberating hum, and Romulo set it onto the beach as a luminous energy
brought life to the pouring rain. He watched in desperation as a second
sorceress ascended from the green monolith.
shouted aloud, “Dancing Wind Priestess, get ready to strike!”
when his sorceress prepared to attack with wind which spiraled behind her, the
enemy showed a sinister smile and reactivated the same curse which had bound it
in the past. By unleashing the Curse of Frozen Chains, the enemy sorcerer
enchained his priestess before she could attack. As he realized the precariousness
of his fighter’s position, Romulo passed her a spell card and compelled her to
cast it immediately.
“Launch him away; this is your chance! Invoke the Whirlwind!” yelled Romulo.
By invoking the magic of the spell in her hand, the Dancing Wind Priestess summoned a whirlwind from the fearsome sky. It descended at an inescapable speed, stripping sand from the beach and raindrops from the air. When the whirlwind devoured Typhoon Paladin, it lifted the enemy into the air and then threw him to distance, but the enemy seemed unconcerned with this movement. After Romulo passed another spell to his sorceress, he compelled her to advance at an angle—away from both him and the enemy.
the Typhoon Paladin would not let her escape. Before she could get far, he
quickly advanced toward her and away from the city, electrifying his fist as he
ran. The electric glow illuminated the falling rain as he closed in on his
target, and then he hurled his fist with all his strength.
we go! Now’s your chance!” shouted Romulo.

The enemy sorcerer looked
bewildered as Dancing Wind Priestess’ magic encircled him with a spiritual
pull. The magic depowered his attack as it assailed his vitality, but even when
he ran away, the Typhoon Paladin could not escape this curse. Without any way
to fight back, he instead ran away from his enemy—turning his attention toward Romulo instead. But as the
forceful rain poured around them, the rampaging sorcerer took this opportunity
to cast a spell of his own. White magic ignited on his armor as the healing
magic took hold. Romulo watched with concern as the healing breeze engulfed the
orchestrator of this attack.

Even though he had confounded his enemy to reduce their mobility, Romulo knew that he had to act quickly. Now that the Typhoon Paladin had restored its health with a healing spell, it could freely strike the green monolith and shatter its connection. Despite his sorceress’ speed, he knew that she could not withstand the strike, and therefore he had to use her to go on the offensive. Without wasting another moment, Romulo compelled his Dancing Wind Priestess to sprint back toward him. When she came close enough, he managed to pass her a spell card despite the forceful winds between them. Water splashed around her feet even as she cast her spell of Temporal Stasis.
enchanting herself with this timeless magic, Dancing Wind Priestess rewound
time and undid the Curse of Frozen Chains. As the icy shackles fell to the sand
and shattered, she sprinted forward and forced wind to spiral across her limbs.
She struck the Typhoon Paladin with all her strength, and though he stumbled,
he seemed undisturbed by her assault.

breathe!” a loud voice shouted through the pouring rain.
the Typhoon Paladin maintained the same intense gaze it had throughout this
battle, Romulo swerved to search the storm for the source of the shout. He
narrowed his eyes to peer through the pouring rain, but a flicker of lightning
revealed a silhouette stuck in the slamming waves. As soon as he realized that
someone was fighting for their life in the surging sea, he took off running at
his fastest speed. He grimaced in knowing that he could not protect his
priestess if his attention were elsewhere, but then he heard forceful coughing
in the waves. When he closed in on the ocean, he saw the swimmer’s curly hair
flail before she fell underwater. He gasped when he saw a bloody tincture in
the water around her.
As the
Typhoon Paladin destroyed his sorceress behind him, Romulo raced through the
shallows and slammed his way through crashing waves. He then dove a short
distance underwater and grabbed the struggling swimmer by her ribs. He kicked
underwater with all his strength until he pulled her to the surface. She took a
desperate breath in the moment before a breaking wave slammed upon them both,
pushing them underwater. Forced to open his eyes in the salty sea, Romulo saw a
glimpse of the swimmer’s body underwater. Her hair was dark, her arms were
strong, and bruises scattered her scarred skin. He pushed off the ground and
pulled her into the shallows, and together they stumbled their way to shore as
the storm intensified. The air became colder, the wind grew fiercer, and the
rain became so strong that Romulo could barely see her. It wasn’t until she
fell onto the wet sand that he realized the reason for her struggle.
“Oh my
god! What happened to your leg?” Romulo asked.
As she
fought to catch her breath, the young woman answered, “Don’t worry about me; I
wanted to stay out of your way! I’m pretty sure my leg’s been gone for a while.
It doesn’t hurt. It isn’t bleeding!”
pretty sure…? How did you get here in the first place?” asked Romulo.
don’t remember! In fact, I don’t think I remember anything. But you can’t get
distracted! You have to stop that thing!” she pleaded.
she was right, Romulo sprinted back over to the battlefield where he saw the
silhouette of his enemy. The powerful storm cloaked the Rampager, and a small
shack near shore disassembled in the howling winds. Broken shambles flew across
the nearby streets, compelling Romulo to finish the fight. He unsheathed a red
monolith from his bag, tapped it with a miniature hammer, and then set it onto
the sand as it reverberated. Soundwaves scattered the sand as a new sorcerer
manifested in a flash of crimson light.
the Rogue of Broken Justice ascended in the
heart of crimson light, it took a forward step into the swirling storm. As it
advanced, it approached the Typhoon Paladin and illuminated them both
with a crimson light. The glow distracted the enemy just long enough for his
Rogue to steal a magical scroll. Romulo then encouraged his sorcerer to defend itself, but the enemy prepared
to strike. The girl with curly hair crouched in the
pouring rain, watching Romulo sprint toward the battlefield. She could see his
exhaustion even from a distance, but he pushed onward as if obligated to do so.
Just by the way he ran, she could tell that this was not the first time he had
pushed himself past the brink of exhaustion. This was not the first time he
fought with all he had to protect someone else.
the Typhoon Paladin threw its glowing right hand forward in an electrifying
punch, Romulo shouted to his sorcerer, “Dodge it! Evasive Lunge!”
even when the Rogue of Broken Justice
attempted to cast its spell, the rampaging sorcerer stopped it with a spell of
ice. Romulo watched as the ice locked his rogue in place, and then Typhoon
Paladin struck it with a devastating force.
impact of this strike nearly shattered the Rogue of Broken Justice; the shockwave almost knocked Romulo to the ground. He
could see his glowing monolith grow dim, and even its reverberating hum seemed
to diminish. His sorcerer barely clung to life, but the Rogue still managed to
steal a spell from his enemy and cast it, inflicting negligible damage.
Romulo realized that the spell cards in his bag had become
disorganized during his swim, so he only had time to extract a single card. But
when he saw the card he drew, he sighed and set his last monolith on the
ground. But unlike the others, he did not set it into vibrational motion;
Romulo let it sit motionlessly on the wet sand as he passed his card to his
“We don’t have a moment to waste. This storm keeps getting stronger. We gotta do it now. Trade Power for Strength,” said Romulo.
the Rogue of Broken Justice cast this final
spell, it enchanted itself with an unstoppable force. Even the enemy seemed to
wince in surprise, and then Romulo compelled his sorcerer to unleash one final
strike. In the moment of attack, the Typhoon Paladin fell to the ground and shattered.
Romulo sighed with relief as the body of the Rampager faded, and the energy it
left behind now poured into the motionless black monolith. The dark energy
spiraled like a converging vortex. Romulo set his hands on his red monolith,
rendering it motionless as he called back his sorcerer. He looked at the sky
and watched the downpour finally lighten. The gusting winds lost their fury,
and even the waves relaxed their earthshaking slams.
was amazing; you’re amazing! I hope this doesn’t sound weird, but I think I
might have seen something like that before… like a whisper from a dream. I
think that’s called déjà vu. It’ll probably be like that for a while,” remarked
the one-legged girl as she crawled across the beach.
Romulo retrieved his monoliths, he walked over to her and extended his hand.
Though her curly hair was plastered to her face, she smiled brightly at him and
accepted his hand. He helped lift her onto her foot, and then he held her arm
so that she could stay upright.
said you lost your memory, right? I wonder if you were a conjuror. I hope I
don’t sound like a jerk, but I kinda wonder if you got beaten really badly. It
might explain all your bruises and gashes. Maybe these weapons are more
familiar than you think,” Romulo remarked.
maybe. I’m pretty adventurous! I think. I think I’m pretty adventurous, so I
can’t imagine I wouldn’t try to do that. It’s so weird that I don’t remember! I
don’t remember ever being here. I don’t remember being anywhere. I
almost feel like I’m in a dream,” she mumbled.
if you’re dreaming, then we’re both dreaming. You don’t remember anything? Have
you heard of the Adriatic Empire? Do you know about the war? Do you know where
you are?” asked Romulo.
shook her head and answered, “Mm-mm. I don’t remember anything but my name for
some reason. I’m Elena. Elena Estrada!”
Estrada… that’s a nice name. I wish I could help you, but I’m really not a
doctor of any kind. Hell, I’m not even smart. I didn’t even know your missing
leg was an old injury until you told me! Problem is, I can’t stay. There’s a
guy attacking our city; he’s the one who let loose this Rampager. He might not
be alone. I’ve gotta help the others fight him off,” Romulo explained.
nodded slowly and answered, “I get it, I get it! It’s just… I don’t really know
where to go or what to do. This probably sounds silly, no, I know this sounds
silly, but I kinda want to go with you. Just to see if I remember anything. But
I’d only slow you down. It’s not like I can just run behind you! Maybe I could
forge something if I found some driftwood and maybe-”
Romulo shook his head with a chuckle and then gently pulled her toward the
city. She stumbled at first with a half-hop on her left foot, but when it came
time to take a right step, she put her weight on Romulo’s hand and then quickly
hopped forward. She giggled at first because the jump sent a wave through her
curly hair, and Romulo easily upheld her weight with his strong left arm. She
continuously watched him to see if she had burdened him, but he showed no signs
of fatigue.
I’m not just gonna leave you here, Elena. There’s an infirmary nearby; I know a
guy who works there. They might be full with victims from the storm or the
attack, but I’m sure they’ll have a bed for you if nothing else. At least until
you get back on your… uh, or at least until you figure out what’s going on.
They might even know something about your amnesia. I’ll make sure you get
there,” Romulo promised.
Thank you, thank you! I appreciate your help, but I really don’t want to slow
you down. I feel like you’ve been through a lot already, and that’s kinda my
fault. I’m sorry. I didn’t want to cause problems! I’m normally a better
swimmer than that, but my whole body hurts and I don’t know why!” Elena
even worry about it! It’s just kinda my job at this point. I don’t even really
like fighting—not really. It just feels nice
to help someone when they need it, you know?”
smiled and nodded, but she said nothing. She winced with every jump on her left
leg; the impact aggravated the bruises which scattered her skin. Her curly hair
lifted and fell with every bounce, but Romulo figured that she could not keep
this up for much longer. As a gentle drizzle fell from the night sky, he lifted
her into his arms and carried her through the streets of the city.
not fair,” she muttered quietly.
know. I’m sorry. There’s a lot of things about this-”
“No no
no. It’s not fair that you know my name, but I don’t know yours,” Elena pouted.
“Oh… I
suppose that’s true. Well then in that case, I’m Romulo. It’s nice to meet you!
I’m almost honored to be the only person you know right now.”
giggled and answered, “You’re right, you’re right! I guess that’s true. Um,
Romulo, I hope this isn’t weird to ask, but… could you visit me sometime? I
don’t know how long I’ll be at the infirmary. But I feel scared and I don’t
normally feel scared, or at least I think I don’t normally feel scared, so… can
you come by sometime?”
smiled and answered, “Of course I can! It’s a promise.”
Info on the series and card game is available here.
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