Interitus: Manifest Mission Statement

  Our goal with Interitus: Manifest is to make a fun and exciting game with a vibrant community, open to anyone regardless of their background or income. We intend to foster creativity through our cards, both in the stories which drive them and the strategies that players will develop. The hope is that people will come together in the spirit of collaboration and competition, showing off their favorite strategies to gain the upper hand. As we intend to increase the card pool with future expansions, players will develop new tactics and find new favorites over time.

The design team for Interitus: Manifest is made up of TCG fanatics who experienced burnout from the games they once loved. In an effort to remedy the problems that developed in our former favorites, we are committed to the following:

  1. Keeping the game accessible. We want our players to have access to a viable deck without having to break the bank. We want players of all genders, creeds, colors, and backgrounds to gather and show off their strategies. We want experienced TCG players and new-to-card-game players alike to find a home in this community.

  2. Keeping the game straightforward and fun. We want our game to be relatively simple and not overrun with complicated mechanics. It should be easy to learn and hard to master.

  3. Keeping old strategies viable. Life happens. Sometimes a player will miss months or years of expansions. We want them to be able to pick back up their old deck and continue playing with minimal changes. We will not enact set rotation, and we built a well-crafted card design system that will minimize vertical power creep.

  4. Making a game which rewards creativity and skill. The core mechanic of manifesting the sorcerer of your choice is to reward intelligent play. We do not want players to be at the mercy of an unusable hand–at least not early in the game (unless they built their deck very poorly, of course).

  5. Keeping the game and its format balanced. Many competitive card games have formats dominated by one unstoppable strategy, but we aim to maintain balance through card design and limitation. We do not want players to feel backed into a corner.

  6. Keeping the game fun for everyone, even if you are losing. In our playtesting, both players enjoy the match even if their opponent heavily defeats them. We work toward this by occasionally releasing cards like “Soldier of Rebellion” and “The Counterstrike Starts Now” which can turn the whole game around, even if you are outnumbered and outgunned. Depending on how you craft your deck and strategy, there should always be hope for a comeback.

  7. Staying transparent and responsive to the player base. Many other games suffer from a lack of communication, so we intend to take our players’ feedback seriously. At the moment, we are still workshopping ideas on the best way to accomplish this, though we are leaning toward a Discord server.


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