Madeline (Minor character)

Note: Spoilers from Chapter 7 of A World without Misery “There does exist a god, but he does not live in any other special dimension. The truth is that he actually has a physical body. His name is Caelicola, and he lives in silence at the corner of this world. He sees all things, knows all things, and can transfer himself anywhere at once. He can create or destroy anything in this world. When I was alive, I was his servant until I came to understand that he does not want to intervene. When I got sick of watching people die, I left. As fate would have it, I was killed shortly after in an Interfectus attack. I believe that that happened for a reason; I believe that destiny chose me to enter the tempest so that I can guide you to the path of salvation.” In that Madeline dies before the start of A World without Misery, she is not a playable character and has no physical stats. Despite being dead, Madeline first makes contact with Hatasuko...