
Showing posts from July, 2023

Madeline (Minor character)

   Note: Spoilers from Chapter 7 of A World without Misery      “There does exist a god, but he does not live in any other special dimension. The truth is that he actually has a physical body. His name is Caelicola, and he lives in silence at the corner of this world. He sees all things, knows all things, and can transfer himself anywhere at once. He can create or destroy anything in this world. When I was alive, I was his servant until I came to understand that he does not want to intervene. When I got sick of watching people die, I left. As fate would have it, I was killed shortly after in an Interfectus attack. I believe that that happened for a reason; I believe that destiny chose me to enter the tempest so that I can guide you to the path of salvation.”      In that Madeline dies before the start of A World without Misery, she is not a playable character and has no physical stats. Despite being dead, Madeline first makes contact with Hatasuko...

Chapter Seven - The Threshold of Destiny

  A World without Misery (Interitus 1: Book 0) Chapter Seven – The Threshold of Destiny “As the demon falls to rest, it warps the fabric of the universe in a way we cannot understand. When the Interfectus falls asleep, it ceases to exist in this world for as long as it remains at rest. It is because of this that they are untraceable and also invulnerable.” Though he watched through half-open eyes as he traveled west across south AgrideÄ«, Hatasuko could sense that this voice emanated from the tempest. The voice was ominous and alluring but also familiar. It was not the voice of Sokaido or Adishina, but it was a voice he had heard once before. His golden eyes glanced at the narrow space between Vaida’s hair and the bottom of the sail, but his conscious mind waded through the screaming tempest in search of this voice. “Who said that? Who are you?” Hatasuko asked the storm of souls. “I can sense the Interfecti’s movements because that is the privilege of the damned. Every single one of...

Adishina (Minor character)

  “My parents and I were walking to the market when the Interfectus appeared in the northern sky. Everyone started shouting and running all at once; everyone was desperate to escape the shadow demon. Survival instinct had kicked in. My father dropped me in the street, and then he and my mother ran away as quickly as they could. I wasn’t happy that they left me behind, but I didn’t have another choice. I couldn’t run after them. I couldn’t even walk out of the middle of the street. My parents escaped, but I was killed by the big blade of shadows. I think they secretly wanted me gone anyway; it was always clear I was a burden. I guess everything worked out for everyone."      In that Adishina dies before the start of A World without Misery, she is not a playable character and has no physical stats. Despite being dead, Adishina first makes contact with Hatasuko in Chapter 6 of A World without Misery as a voice in the tempest.     Sokaido was born in the Collob...

Chapter Six - With Eyes Adjusted to Darkness

 A World without Misery (Interitus 1: Book 0)             Chapter Six – With Eyes Adjusted to Darkness              “Where is this? What is this? I don’t want to be here,” asked the voice of a scared girl.             Hatasuko answered, “You are locked in a tempest of lost souls. The voices you hear are the screams of victims lost to the Interfecti.”             “I don’t understand why I can hear them. I thought I was taken by the shadows. Death was supposed to be the end of the pain,” she whispered.             “You hear the screaming souls because you are a screaming soul. I don’t know how long you’ve been dead, but you must have somehow pieced yourself together inside the tempest. You reassembled your memories and your soul. That is why you can speak t...