Adishina (Minor character)


“My parents and I were walking to the market when the Interfectus appeared in the northern sky. Everyone started shouting and running all at once; everyone was desperate to escape the shadow demon. Survival instinct had kicked in. My father dropped me in the street, and then he and my mother ran away as quickly as they could. I wasn’t happy that they left me behind, but I didn’t have another choice. I couldn’t run after them. I couldn’t even walk out of the middle of the street. My parents escaped, but I was killed by the big blade of shadows. I think they secretly wanted me gone anyway; it was always clear I was a burden. I guess everything worked out for everyone."

    In that Adishina dies before the start of A World without Misery, she is not a playable character and has no physical stats. Despite being dead, Adishina first makes contact with Hatasuko in Chapter 6 of A World without Misery as a voice in the tempest.

    Sokaido was born in the Collobos Mountains, not far at all from the place where Hatasuko spent his childhood. She was born with deformed legs on which she could not walk, so she and her parents both saw her as a burden. She died at a very young age in an Interfectus attack when her parents left her for dead in the street. But because she and Hatasuko share the trauma of the very same Interfectus attack, they quickly form a friendship. At first, she does not want to have her spirit reassembled in the tempest of screaming souls (see: Tempest of Lost Souls). She seems to have accomplished this just by pure chance. Despite her somber demeanor, she and Hatasuko sometimes discuss their childhoods -- especially because they grew up so close together. That said, they never knew each other in life.



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