Character: Norman Shawcross

“ I don't think I have a conscience, and I don't think anyone else really does either. I think we pretend to because we know we're supposed to have one, but it's just a case of the blind leading the blind. Everyone pretends they do, and all we see is people upholding the illusion that they themselves aren't different. It's all a lie. The proof is everywhere, so I'll just grab the closest example. This island war has all the proof you need. People pretend they have some innate sense of right and wrong, but if you give them the slightest excuse, they will happily and fervently do unspeakable things to other men. They'll enslave cities and slaughter civilians just because someone else said it was okay. Just because someone else said that their victims are the enemy . ” Character Name: Norman Shawcross First Appearance: The Ocean Has Her Reasons (Interitus 3, The Brimstone Isles) Eye Color: Hazel Endurance: 17 ...