Character: Caelicola

    “I was born into this world just as any other, but this burden was forced upon me by the previous bearer of omnipotence. I never asked for this. I never imagined that I would be the one to send this world into darkness. I thought that if the powers of omnipotence were trapped in someone like me, that is, someone who abstains from all things, then it would be fully neutral. Nothing would improve, and nothing would get worse. But I was wrong. People are suffering, but I cannot help them.”

 Character Name: Caelicola

First Appearance: A World without Misery (Chapter 12), mentioned in Chapter 7

    Caelicola's battle stats are undefined because he relies so heavily on his powers to fight. While his Astrodeus power is undefined, he primarily wields the power of Omnipotence. To quickly summarize, this means he possesses the following weapons:

1) Creation: The power to create any matter (right hand) or energy (left hand).

2) Destruction: The power to dematerialize any matter (right hand) or energy (left hand).

3) Omniscience: The power to see and hear everything everywhere in the universe.

4) Omnipresence: The ability to teleport to any spot he can see.

SPOILERS BELOW (From Chapter 12 of A World without Misery):

    Caelicola lives a secluded life on the fourth Isle of Aether (Agridei), in the ocean just a short distance from the shore of Bones City. He is the current wielder of Omnipotence, having received the powers from someone else in the past. Acting as an indifferent observer, Caelicola watches all that happens in the universe with virtually no interference. He fears what the world could look like under the rule of a vengeful god, so he became a pacifist; he's convinced that any act of violence would lead him down a dark path which could endanger the world. For this reason, he does not interfere when evil men commit evil acts. He has never taken a life.

    When Hatasuko and (previously) Lazaro ventured to him, he explained that he cannot fight the Interfecti himself. Because an Interfectus summons a pool of energy which swirls with screaming souls, Caelicola becomes paralyzed in their presence. He claims that his Omniscience can peer past the boundary, and it renders him powerless. He fears the Interfecti as much as anyone else.

    This fear is so impactful that when Madeline served as his apprentice, he failed to save her from the Interfectus. The monster killed her and forced her to join the tempest of lost souls. But because he had explained to her the truth of quintessence and Astrodeus powers to her, she managed to communicate this information to Hatasuko. 

    While Caelicola refuses to help fight the Interfecti, he gives Hatasuko and Vaida a peace offering in the form of weaponry. They learn that he had actually done the same for Lazaro as well.

SPOILERS BELOW (From Chapter 25 of A World without Misery):

Because he knows that his powers make him a target, Caelicola conceals many truths from the world. He has a family of his own that lives peacefully in the caves underneath the fourth Isle of Aether. It is only when they are under threat that he sheds his pacifism and finally engages in battle for the first time, although this is also to protect his powers from a man he deems unworthy.

It is also revealed that Caelicola himself is the creator of the Interfecti which ravage Agridei. The horrific monsters had haunted his nightmares for a long time, but at some point they crossed from nightmare into reality. Because Caelicola had accidentally used his power of Creation in his sleep, they attained real bodies with which to scour the world. But since they had plagued him for years in the form of night-terrors, this further contributes to his refusal to fight them. Essentially, he accidentally created the worst monster in his world, but he refuses to stop it despite being the only person who could.


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